Real Food

Why You CAN'T Stop Overeating

Why You CAN'T Stop Overeating

Have you ever wondered why there are certain things you just...CAN'T...STOP...EATING?

It may have nothing to do with willpower.

There's a whole industry dedicated to creating hyperpalatable foods that hit all of the sensory triggers that compel you to keep on plowing through that bag of chips, box of cookies, or bucket of chicken. They are like fireworks in your brain, a party in your get the idea. (READ MORE…)

Eat Real Food

Eat Real Food

Easy, right? Everyone knows what “real food” is, don’t they? Sadly, not. It is not labelled “all-natural”, or “made from whole grains” or “fortified with vitamins and minerals”. It usually does not come in boxes, or have an indefinite shelf life. Just because something says “organic” on the label, don’t be fooled!

So What Is Real Food?

Real food is a nutritious, edible plant or animal product in its least-processed available form. It is usually perishable, does not have an indefinite shelf life (though there are some exceptions!), and must be kept refrigerated, frozen or at the very least in a “cool, dry place”.

Let's also get this out of the way right at the start - if it has added sugar, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, sucralose, or some other refined sweetener added in any way, shape or form, it shouldn't be going in your body.

But let's give you a bit more info on what Real Food really is