Why You CAN'T Stop Overeating

Have you ever wondered why there are certain things you just...CAN'T...STOP...EATING?

It may have nothing to do with willpower.

There's a whole industry dedicated to creating hyperpalatable foods that hit all of the sensory triggers that compel you to keep on plowing through that bag of chips, box of cookies, or bucket of chicken. They are like fireworks in your brain, a party in your mouth...you get the idea.

The sneakiest ones are those that shout out how "healthy", "organic", "high fibre", "vitamin enriched", "low-carb" or "low-fat" they are so that you *think* you're making a good choice, when they're really just as junky as the regular options.

One thing they have in common - they're all highly processed, and are designed for over-consumption.

Here's a great article from our friends at Precision Nutrition explaining how these things work, and some strategies to minimize their impact in your life:

Why you can’t stop overeating + 3 tips for getting control (precisionnutrition.com)

This is a LONG and very detailed article, but worth the read if you've ever beaten yourself up for over-indulging like I have. ;)

The short version: Many processed foods are engineered to encourage over-consumption and addictive behaviour. Beware especially of “health halo” labelled processed foods, prominently declaring how much “healthier” they are - they’re just as bad, only slightly different. Choosing to eat mostly real, fresh, whole foods with minimal processing is your best bet.